You are priceless. Yet, your offer needs a price
One way you reduce friction in clients buying your core offer… is to make it easier to buy

Being an entrepreneurial wellness pro has made me money. With my money, I buy homes that I also rent for transformational experiences. At my home in Mexico, I often buy stuff on the street. Jewelry, clothes, I love the social chit-chat of bargaining. The vendors know their prices, how high to start, how low to go. It’s easy to know your prices when your business is transactional.
Similarly, wellness pros rock their pricing… when their business is transactional.
Transactional means you charge by your time or the service. You may price yourself higher or lower than the norm. The experience may be transformational. Yet, you are still in transactional offers and pricing.
There is a gap.
A great divide to cross.
A leap similar to Hanuman’s.
The leap is from transactional pricing to transformational pricing.
Which is why most wellness pros unintentionally cap their income.
Glass ceiling.
No bueno.
What is the recipe for transformational pricing?
Recipe for transformational pricing
- Specify the transformation (A to B)
- Build a time container of 1 year. Transformations take time. Let’s measure and price in 1 year increments.
- Price the transformation at time junctures (3 mo., 6 mo, 12 mo., 1 yr., 5 yrs., 1 decade) Add those up.
- Price the value of the relationship with you + the members they will be with on the journey.
- Add up the value.
You have a price. A new price. And new prices are an emotional rollercoaster.
How do you assess what you are worth?
How do you retain clients at a higher price point?
What are you worth, anyway?
Listen up.
You are worth the value of the transformation you can guarantee.
Otherwise, you’re too high risk for a serious investment.
What the heck am I talking about?
Let’s say Jane wants to work with you.
Let’s say you want to work with Jane. You normally charge by the service. Which makes sense in a transactional economy.
Yet, you know you are missing leverage.
(Leverage means you are not trading time for money.)
You know you are worth oh so much more than you are charging.
But… how do you switch from transactional to transformational?
It’s a big f*cking leap.
This leap gets easier if you are regularly receiving referrals and have a potent following.
Not a huge following.
But a potent following that values your specific services.

The price may excite you, soothe you, and scare you. The reason it may scare you, is you’ll need to make an offer with your new price. You could get rejected. Or laughed at.
When Rosemary saw her new price… it was $10,000, per person per year. She was petrified. No one would pay for it, she thought.
Until, someone did. And then she was excited. And scared again. Scared that she couldn’t deliver the value.
Then, we reminded her that she could deliver the transformation.
Rosemary relaxed.
She knew she made an offer, with a clear price, that was based on her best work. And now she could make the offer again. To someone as qualified for the transformation as her first transformational customer. She knew the value of the network she was building, of clients inside her business, was a transformation she had never leveraged.
She was stoked. Her life was forever changed by transformational pricing.
Rosemary had crossed the great divide.
Wellness pros usually know their prices if they are transactional.
We would all agree it’s harder to buy something that isn’t priced.
Ok – where we left off was:
→ What is the value of the transformation only you could guide?
→ You are built into the value.
Now, it gets interesting.
Stay tuned.
P.s. Your Best Offer Ever is now available to early adopters. Here is your promo code for being on my list. You’ll get a chance to get a 1-1 session for me at a steal of a deal.

P.p.s. You’ll also get access to WPA’s best offers (showcase our WP Clubs – and what people who work with us are offering. We are a highly COLLABORATIVE collective. A rising tide raises all ships. Creative spurs more creativity.
P.p.p. s. If your pricing isn’t transformational because your core offer isn’t engineered for the best transformation you can guide… your ship won’t rise. We can help.