How to Launch Your Best 2024 Wellness Offering
lmk where help would help you earn faster
I was meeting a prospect who wanted to be a client. This is how the conversation went.
“Do you have an offer?”
“What do you mean, an offer?

I believe what you offer in 2024 needs an upgrade from 2023.
Think back. What did you offer in 2023?
- 1-1 work?
- An online course?
- A challenge?
- A mastermind group?
Why do I believe your 2024 Wellness Offer to your clients or patients needs an upgrade?
Because you learned in 2023.
I know I did
I found out:
- Where I can provide more value
- Where I can get a client a quick win in 7-14 days
- What deep transformation I can guarantee in 1 year
- What is exponentially a better client experience
- Where information is delaying transformation
… on and on and on…

Now, it’s time to turn your learning into YOUR BEST OFFER EVER.
Hit reply, and let me know:
Where do you get stuck in how to upgrade your 2024 offer?
Cut + paste one or more of the following:
Cate, I just:
- Don’t have TIME to work on your OFFER.
- Don’t know where to start with packaging my skills into a repeatable offer
- Don’t know how to get my clients to results faster
- Don’t know what outcomes my clients want or how long it will take to get my clients to those outcomes.
- Don’t know what should be Done with Clients, Done for Clients, or Do it Yourself
- Don’t know how to leverage the value of our relationship into clear outcomes
- Do my best offer ever, but can’t seem to grow my membership.
Hit reply.
Let me know: 1-7, where YOU NEED HELP with Your Best Offer Ever for 2024.
This will help me help you.
I’m designing a training for Wellness Pro Academy. Who needs an offer?

Stay tuned with me in this process.
You’ll develop a much better offer for 2024!

You’ll even get an option for super affordable 1-1 coaching with my team. We know how to assess your skills and WHO you are… to create an offer that is uniquely yours.
Together, we’ll design Your Best Offer Ever.
P.S. Hit reply. Let me know: 1-7 from above – where you are stuck.
- Don’t have TIME to work on your OFFER.
- Don’t know where to start with packaging my skills into a repeatable offer
- Don’t know how to get my clients to results faster
- Don’t know what outcomes my clients want or how long it will take to get my clients to those outcomes.
- Don’t know what should be Done with Clients, Done for Clients, or Do it Yourself
- Don’t know how to leverage the value of our relationship into clear outcomes
- Do my best offer ever, but can’t seem to grow my membership.
Let me know: How urgent is it for you to have a much stronger offer in 2024?
P.P.S. The YOUR BEST OFFER EVER Workbook is part of the training I’ve built for you. It’s coming… We’ll coach you through it.