PRIMAL HABITS reveals the best anti-inflammatory habits in the history of human evolution. Learn these 22 habits to awaken your potential and unlock possibilities unknown to you – until now.

You are a highly adaptable organism, designed to collaborate with your potential. Experiencing the primal habits will remind you of who truly are – and who you want to become next. Vital, awake, uninflamed… human.
he 22 PRIMAL HABITS within this book are accessible… even for those with a serious disease diagnosis. Packed with research, it explores where science intersects with ancient mysteries and controversial knowledge. PRIMAL HABITS guides you to reverse the habits of chronic inflammation, rewild your circadian rhythm, explore the microbiome diet, recover your innate resilience, and discover your next unique purpose.

- You want to heal dream work
- You want to be fit as a fiddle
- You want to crush your life goals
- You want to restore a healthy microbiome with healthy cravings
- You want to design your unique life to unlock your potential
- You want to engage your purpose with strategy, critical thinking and a smart plan of action
- You know that teamwork makes the dream work
Ideal for people who want to design their own better future right now for: integrity, health, body, lifestyle, career, purpose, relationships, and wealth.
Primal Habits
are the Baseline Habits
of your Evolution
Ideal for people who want to design their own better future right now for: integrity, health, body, lifestyle, career, purpose, relationships, and wealth.


Does this resonate? The book will upgrade your habits from conventional to PRIMAL… to unlock your potential

Does it feel like the people in your life can’t keep up? Are you inspired to live your potential, take on bigger dreams, and have the best habits for your body… but the people in your life are stuck?

Do you wish you were surrounded by dynamic, empowered people? Would you like to coast on their tailwind? Are you curious what you may be missing out on… by not using strategy and primal habits to design your life for even greater possibilities?

Would you like to connect with people who do hard things that make life exponentially better? Do you want to learn the strategy for achieving your unique goals?
Habits of those you spend time with wear off on you. If you are the motivator, you may be spinning your wheels. The better way to thrive is to find a community that has the habits, lifestyle and strategic playbook you want. CLUB THRIVE is the dynamic community of people who live the PRIMAL HABITS. Experience your best future with the PRIMAL HABITS that drove human evolution.
“The easiest way to thrive in body, relationship and career is to dial in PRIMAL HABITS as your everyday habits.”
Cate Stillman
Wellness Pro Academy, Founder

Welcome. We’re glad you found us at Primal Habits. Club Thrive is our membership club for people who want momentum with Primal Habits.
A pioneer in ancient-meets-modern health, Cate Stillman is the leader at CLUB THRIVE and WELLNESS PRO ACADEMY. She grew her first company, Yogahealer, by passing forward the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga. Cate ignites ambition and develops collaborative intelligence in those who join her global, dynamic clubs. Leader, podcaster and entrepreneur, she rewilds humans towards health, meaning, and purpose. Cate is also the author of Body Thrive, Master Of You, Uninflamed, and The Witch’s Cancer Journal. Primal Habits quickly rose to the top of Amazon’s #1 Best Seller List in Shamanism.
The 6 Competencies of Thriving in Your Body + Living Your Next Chapter on Purpose
Modern habits accelerate aging, cellular degeneration, chronic inflammation, chronic inflammatory diseases, and afflict the mind with overwhelm, distraction, and poor decision-making. No thank you.
Primal Habits are anti-aging, anti-inflammation, and reverse stagnation in your body, your personality and your relationships. We do PRIMAL HABITS in the CLUB THRIVE community. Our daily habits shape our body, our thoughts, our deeper dreams, and our strategy to live out our dreams.
Reverse health issues, heal your microbiome, get into rhythm, build lean muscle, and drop excess weight. Align to your vision, hone your focus, and experience life beyond your wildest dreams. People who do Primal Habits dial in these core competencies:
Your body evolved on circadian rhythm, which optimizes your focus, motivation, deep sleep, and ability to get things done
Dive deep into the habits that heal you from the toxins and overwhelm of modern culture
Feed your microbiome to have healthy cravings, cellular nutrition, and flawless digestion
Identify your next identity, who you are becoming, and develop your best strategy to get there
Feed your microbiome to have healthy cravings, cellular nutrition, and flawless digestion
Integrate the simple system that leads to a life beyond your wildest dreams, again and again. Experience true integrity with your potential, every day

Learn the habits that give you back your human potential, grow your energy reserves, build resilience, and focus your life. Get on track with the body and future you want to experience next. Unlock your potential with Primal Habits.
Over 20 Years as Innovative Guru of Holistic Habit Evolution

Our Vision
Our vision is to guide as many people as possible back to Primal Habits. Primal Habits are free. Anyone who lives the habits feels more at home in themselves. Primal Habits turn you from consumer to creator of your life. Our mission is to guide our members of Club Thrive to to go black belt on primal habits and design their lives on purpose with strategic thinking.
Copyright © 2023 CLUB THRIVE GLOBAL. All Rights Reserved.
DISCLAIMER: The results on this page are our personal results and in some cases the results of previous or existing clients. However, please understand these results are atypical. We’re not implying you will replicate them. Statistically, very few entrepreneurs ever achieve the success we’re quoting on this page. In fact, just surviving in business over sustained periods of time is a feat in itself. We’re using these references on this page for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort, innovation and action over time. If you’re not willing to accept that, please do NOT purchase this product.