Making Your Wellness Offer Transformational
more like…DWY Make Your Own Transformational Offer
I know it sounds ridiculous – DIY Make Your Own Transformational Offer. But, that’s what I’m trying to do. In case we never work together, at least you’ll be off on the right foot.
So, let’s call this: DIY Make Your Own Transformational Offer
This means it’s a formula.
What is the formula for Your Best Offer Ever?

- What is the most profound transformation you have experienced as a wellness pro? ____________________________________________

- What is the desired outcome, the A to B, that defines the transformation you can guide?
A is: ___________________________________________
A is: ___________________________________________
A is: ___________________________________________________
A is: ___________________________________________________

- What can you offer your clients as DONE FOR YOU?
- What can YOU do for your clients to guide them to B faster?
- What can YOU do for your clients to guide them to B easier?
- What can YOU do for your clients to guide them to B better?
I know it can be scary to commit.
Most wellness pros don’t want to commit to client (or patient) results.
We can help you get over that hump.
You’ll love having an offer.
You’ll love what client commitment will do for your work.
You’ll keep guiding to more rapid transformation, year after year.
And you’ll love having clients as committed to their results as you are.
Stay tuned. I’m offering a few wellness pros a chance to work with my team to build YOUR BEST OFFER EVER. We’ll guide you through the process, step by step.
Message me back if you want the early adopters deal.
P.s. Taking time on your core offer is work. Work is time I’m not playing. Or rather, it’s a different type of play. Work on YOUR BEST OFFER EVER is required if you want to be more effective.
The side benefits to being more effective are a better lifestyle as you lead from lifestyle and earn more profit. More profit eventually helps wellness pros have more space and time to flex. And they flex with more wellness lifestyle. Which makes them more effective at their core offers. This is the virtuous cycle.